Portland Press Herald Op-Ed: Sens. King, Collins should give D.C. residents the same rights as Mainers

The essence of democracy is the idea that the people govern themselves. That the people are the source of power. That those who serve do so with the consent of the governed. That the people have the right to be heard, to call for redress when necessary, to petition the government, to vote and be counted.

And so it is that the American citizens who reside in Washington, D.C., have petitioned the U.S. Congress to become the 51st state. H.R. 51, the Washington D.C. Admission Act, has been passed by the House of Representatives, and S.51 will soon be taken up by the Senate.

The call for statehood is broadly supported, fully constitutional and appropriate.

It’s also one of the most important steps our generation can take to bring our nation closer to “liberty and justice for all.”

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